Anka EnergyX

Anka EnergyX is a 100% owned subsidiary of Anka Corporation, a company that is dedicated to the development and implementation of next-generation energy technologies. Anka EnergyX is committed to not only sharing these technologies but also identifying clients who require such solutions to implement their projects.

Recently, Anka EnergyX has formed a strategic partnership with USA, a company that is the leader in state-of-the-art hydrogen storage technologies. USA focuses exclusively on clean energy storage and use, making them an ideal partner for Anka EnergyX’s mission to promote sustainability and innovation in the energy sector.

Through this partnership, Anka EnergyX aims to evolve and expand their offerings with more partnerships through private placements and potentially listing the company publicly. These efforts are intended to benefit the people of Sri Lanka, as Anka EnergyX seeks to promote economic development, job creation, and access to sustainable energy solutions in the country.

With their strong commitment to sustainability, innovation, and collaboration, Anka EnergyX is poised to make a significant impact on the energy industry in Sri Lanka and beyond. Their partnerships with companies like USA demonstrate their dedication to leveraging cutting-edge technologies to promote a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Partnership with Harnyss LLC, United States

As a power and energy company, Anke EnergyX has partnered with Harnyss LLC from the USA to bring cutting-edge hydrogen power solutions to Sri Lanka. Harnyss Energy is a leader in state-of-the-art hydrogen storage technologies, focusing exclusively on clean energy storage and use. By leveraging its technologies, Harnyss Energy provides safe, economical, and clean energy storage and independent power generation systems.

The partnership with Harnyss Energy allows Anke EnergyX to introduce hydrogen power solutions in Sri Lanka for the first time. This is a significant step towards reducing the country’s dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Hydrogen power is a clean and sustainable energy source that can be used for a variety of applications, from transportation and logistics to power generation and backup power. With the support of Harnyss Energy, Anke EnergyX is able to offer a range of hydrogen power solutions that can be customized to meet the specific needs of different industries and applications. This includes fuel cells and hydrogen storage systems that provide safe, reliable, and efficient energy storage and power generation capabilities.

Overall, the partnership between Anke EnergyX and Harnyss Energy is a significant milestone in the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy system in Sri Lanka. By leveraging the latest hydrogen power technologies, the two companies are working together to create a cleaner, greener, and more prosperous future for the country and its people.

Partnership with EcoTek Holdings, Sri Lanka

Also, Anka EnergyX’s partnership with Sri Lanka’s Ecotek is an exciting development in the company’s efforts to revolutionize the country’s energy landscape with hydrogen power solutions. Ecotek is a licensed energy service provider registered with the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, and their expertise in clean energy technologies will be invaluable to Anke EnergyX’s efforts.

By partnering with Ecotek, Anke Energyx is tapping into the local expertise and knowledge of the Sri Lankan energy market. Together, the two companies will work to create a hydrogen economy in Sri Lanka, with a focus on developing innovative solutions that are tailored to the country’s unique energy needs and challenges.

This technical partnership between Anke Energyx and Ecotek is a significant step towards achieving a more sustainable and resilient energy system in Sri Lanka. By combining their expertise and resources, the two companies are poised to create new opportunities for clean energy development, reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels, and contribute to the global effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Next Generation Energy Solutions

There are several next-generation energy solutions that are currently being explored and developed to address the growing concerns around climate change and the need for sustainable energy sources. Here are some examples:

These next-generation energy solutions are being developed and improved upon to meet the growing energy demands of the world while reducing the impact on the environment.

Hydrogen Power Solutions

Hydrogen power solutions refer to the use of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable source of energy. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and it has the potential to be a game-changer in the energy industry.

Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of sources, including water, natural gas, and biomass. It can be used as a fuel in a variety of applications, including transportation, power generation, and industrial processes. Here are some of the hydrogen power solutions that are currently being developed and deployed:

In conclusion, hydrogen power solutions offer a sustainable and clean source of energy that has the potential to transform the energy industry. With the development of fuel cells, hydrogen-powered vehicles, power generation, industrial processes, energy storage, and hydrogen refueling stations, the hydrogen economy is rapidly growing and is expected to become an essential part of the global energy mix in the coming years.

EnergyX Magazine

Anka EnergyX, a renewable energy solutions provider, has announced the launch of Sri Lanka’s first and only energy magazine. The EnergyX magazine is a collaborative effort with the youth minds of Sri Lanka, aimed at educating and promoting innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

With a focus on renewable energy, the magazine will cover topics such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power, as well as energy storage and the hydrogen economy. The magazine will also highlight the latest developments in carbon capture and storage, nuclear fusion, biofuels, and other next-generation energy solutions.

Anka EnergyX is partnering with schools and universities in Sri Lanka to promote the use of renewable energy and foster a culture of sustainability. The company believes that the future of energy lies in the hands of the youth, and it is essential to educate and empower them with the knowledge and tools they need to create a more sustainable future.

The hydrogen economy is a significant focus of the magazine, and Anka EnergyX is working closely with schools and universities to promote the use of hydrogen as a clean and efficient fuel source. Hydrogen can be produced from water using renewable energy sources, and it has the potential to replace fossil fuels in transportation and power generation.

Speaking about the launch of the magazine, a spokesperson for Anka EnergyX said, “We are delighted to collaborate with the youth minds of Sri Lanka to launch the country’s first energy magazine. Our aim is to educate and promote innovative solutions that can help create a more sustainable future for all. We believe that the future of energy lies in the hands of the youth, and we are committed to working with them to build a better world.”

In conclusion, the launch of Sri Lanka’s first energy magazine by Anka EnergyX in collaboration with the youth minds of Sri Lanka is a significant step towards promoting renewable energy and fostering a culture of sustainability. By partnering with schools and universities, Anka EnergyX is empowering the youth with the knowledge and tools they need to create a more sustainable future, and the hydrogen economy is a critical focus of this effort.

Projects Initiated

The Cargo Hub in Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, is set to become the first ever facility to implement a hydrogen power solution for the storage of perishable foods and seafood. The innovative technology, which uses hydrogen fuel cells to power the refrigeration units, will revolutionize the way that goods are stored and transported, while also reducing the carbon footprint of the logistics industry.

The use of hydrogen as a fuel source is not a new concept, but it has recently gained more attention due to its potential to address the issue of climate change. Hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen, with the only byproduct being water vapor. This means that they produce zero greenhouse gas emissions, making them a highly sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

In the cargo industry, the refrigeration of perishable goods such as fruits, vegetables, and seafood is a major challenge. These products must be stored at specific temperatures in order to maintain their freshness and quality, which requires a significant amount of energy. Traditionally, this energy has been provided by diesel generators, which produce harmful emissions that contribute to climate change.

The hydrogen power solution being implemented at the Kelaniya cargo hub will use fuel cells to generate electricity to power the refrigeration units. The system will also include a -40°C storage facility for the storage of perishable goods, which will be powered by the same fuel cells. This will ensure that the products are kept at the right temperature without the need for fossil fuels.

The implementation of this technology is a significant step forward in the fight against climate change. The logistics industry is responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, and the use of hydrogen fuel cells could help to reduce these emissions drastically. By adopting this innovative technology, the industry can become more sustainable and environmentally friendly, while still meeting the needs of consumers for fresh and high-quality products.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the hydrogen power solution also has economic advantages. By reducing the need for diesel generators, the cost of transporting and storing perishable goods can be reduced, which could lead to cost savings for both producers and consumers.

The implementation of the hydrogen power solution at the Kelaniya cargo hub is a significant milestone in the development of sustainable logistics solutions. It is hoped that this technology will be adopted by other facilities around the world, leading to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly logistics industry.

Projects Planned

Hydrogen power is an innovative technology that is being explored in various industries around the world, including Sri Lanka. Two potential projects where hydrogen power could be used in Sri Lanka are in the shrimp farming and healthcare industries.

Shrimp farming is a significant industry in Sri Lanka, particularly in the Northern and Eastern provinces. The industry faces several challenges, including high energy costs, the need to manage wastewater effectively, and the risk of disease outbreaks. To address these challenges, some shrimp farms in Sri Lanka are exploring the use of hydrogen power.

One potential use of hydrogen power in shrimp farming in Sri Lanka is to generate electricity for pumps and aeration systems. These systems are essential for maintaining water quality and oxygen levels in shrimp ponds, but they can be costly to operate using traditional fossil fuels. Hydrogen fuel cells offer a clean and sustainable alternative that could help to reduce the operating costs of shrimp farms.

Another potential use of hydrogen power in shrimp farming in Sri Lanka is to produce hydrogen on-site using wastewater. Shrimp farms produce a significant amount of wastewater, which can be processed to produce hydrogen gas. This gas can then be used to generate electricity or as a fuel for vehicles or other equipment.

In the healthcare industry, hydrogen power is being explored as a potential solution for hospitals that require reliable and sustainable sources of energy. Hospitals in Sri Lanka, particularly in rural areas, often face challenges related to power outages and unreliable electricity supply. Hydrogen power could provide a sustainable and reliable solution for these challenges.

One potential use of hydrogen power in hospitals in Sri Lanka is to provide backup power during emergencies. Hydrogen fuel cells can be used to generate electricity in the event of a power outage, providing a reliable and sustainable source of backup power. This could help hospitals to maintain critical functions during emergencies, such as surgeries and life support systems.

Another potential use of hydrogen power in hospitals in Sri Lanka is to provide clean and sustainable sources of energy for other functions, such as heating and cooling systems. Hydrogen fuel cells can be used to generate heat and electricity for buildings, reducing the reliance on traditional fossil fuels and helping hospitals to meet sustainability goals.

In conclusion, the exploration of hydrogen power in Sri Lanka’s shrimp farming and healthcare industries could offer significant benefits in terms of sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely that we will see more projects and applications of hydrogen power in these and other industries in Sri Lanka.